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Funloving,Social,Humorous,Spontaneous at times.Somebody who is empathetic,likes to express and keep learning.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Nithila and Appa Story - Republic Day Parade

Nithila and Appa Story - Republic day Parade

Appa: Nithila! Let's watch Republic day Parade.
It will be interesting.

Nithila: What is that Appa?

Appa: Today to remember how we got the freedom there is usually big parade that happens in our Capital New Delhi.

Nithila: You mean like the parade in Disney land(Knowing from watching YouTube)

Appa: Somewhat like that.

Nithila: Ok Pa. let's watch.

We Watch various Contingents from Army,Navy,Airforce and others etc marching on the parade.

Suddenly Nithila's face turns a bit sad.

Nithila: Appa! Their uniform looks grand. won't it be very heavy with turbans,glouse and all that for them to wear.

Appa: Well it's their uniform Nithila. They are used to it .

After a while.

Nithila: Appa! How they do it so perfectly?

Appa: They practice this for many days.Thats why they are doing it perfectly.

Again her face turns sad.

Nithila: Appa they have to walk a long distance.They will be very tired . Right??
Look even the camels and horse also will be very tired.

Appa: They are energetic and it's a proud thing for them to be here.(By now I am scared what's going to come next).

Then I show her.
Appa: Nithila! Look the lady is leading the group.
See there is lady pilot 

Nithila: Yes Appa.yaay.Girlz Rooolz.

Appa: Yeah.Girlz Roooolz..

Nithila: Appa do they do this parade on Indepence day also??

Appa: No.Its only on republic day.

Mithila: Why can't they do it again on Independence day??

Appa: Hellloooooooo. Who's calling ??
Is it brother Mark??? Nithila you keep watching.I need to take this call.
Escaaaapeeee ЁЯШБ

Monday, June 7, 2021

what's the big deal about King?

Nithila my 8 year old daughter was feeling bored.After a while I heard her calling from another room at the top of her voice " Appa! Please come here." I replied "Ok Nithila why are you shouting??" and walked into the room.
She had the chess board open and all the pieces of Black and White neatly arranged.
She said to me "Are you done with all the work?If you have something finish that also and come and sit here". I think aloud that oh man she is becoming smarter and I cannot even give some lame excuse and so I replied "No Nithila.Nothing else.Lets play".
We start playing and she keeps asking question.I tried to make her understand the way how each piece can move and also correct her when she makes a wrong move.
She yells "Daddy!Daddy!Daddy!" Which is normally a way she calls me when she wants my undivided attention to her.It is always Daddy yelled 3 times continuously. She asks" Can we have 2 pieces in same place.See there is this soldier here.Can I bring the Knight also here in Same square?" . I reply " No Nithila.You can't do that". And we continue playing for a while.
Then she poses another "Daddy!. Queen can move in all directions correct?" and I reply "Yes". Then she fires the next " Can it move like a horse ??" and I reply" No that alone it cannot do". The she fires the next one "King can move only one square.Right?". I tell her "Yes Nithila That's right".
She then asks "You said the whole game is to protect your King and try to knock of the other King Right?".
I reply sensing there is something big that's coming my way "Yes Nithila.That too is correct".
She finally shoots " If Queen is the most powerful and King can only move one square why are we trying to protect him.Shouldnt we be trying to save the Queen?".
Check mate.

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Amma and Nithila Short Story- Human vs Computer

Nithila is doing the homework.
Topic is Man Vs Computer.
While Nithila is doing the work,
Amma asks "Nithila! If you have a choice will you be a Human or Computer??".
Nithila replies "Human only  Amma"
Amma prods further " Why Nithila??Computers are perfect.They don't make any mistakes.They are fast"
Nithila replies "Amma if I turn into a computer then how can I eat good food??"
Like parents like Daughter (Foodie DNA)

Monday, December 21, 2020

Nithila and Appa- - Pink Butterfly

Appa is browsing the Facebook on his smartphone.
Suddenly Nithila calls her dad and asks " Appa! Is it true that you can wish and it will come true if a Pink Butterfly ЁЯжЛ comes and sits on you and kisses you?? "

Appa is puzzled to hear this which he has never come across even in movies.
Then he asks " No Nithila I don't think this is true".
Nithila is persistent "No Appa! Charukesh told me".
Charukesh is the boy kid who is 3 years older but keeps playing with these kids.
Appa replies " No Nithila !! Charukesh is just fooling around".
Nithila this time gets even more serious in her look genuinely convinced about this "No Appa.This is true.Even Vivian told me.How come you don't know about this??"
Now Vivian is girl kid and of same age and one of her good friends.So Appa realises now says Vivian is fooling around is a strict No-Go.
Appa asks " Oh.Vivian also said that??"
Nithila replies with all seriousness " Yes Appa. You When the Pink Butterfly comes , sits on you and the kisses you ,you are supposed to close and make a wish" and then later hurriedly adds " Only one wish,the first wish will come true".
Appa then realises it's better to let Nithila  enjoy her fantastic world with her friends says "Ahh.Then probably it might be true.So make sure you wish what you want".
Nithila smiles " Yes I have already decided.I will ask for  one cute little puppy".

Monday, November 16, 2020

Four crackers

It's the morning of Deepavali.
After taking Bath and worshipping the god I went down with my kid and wife just to burst a couple of crackers.
My kid being just 7 years prefers to watch it.I burst a first one.I notice there are couple of kids (boys) who look like brothers trying to sell flowers.They have set up a small table outside our apartment gate. They were looking at me with a smile. 
Then I call one of the kid " Do you want to burst the crackers ??" Offering him a couple of them I had in my hand.He initially hesitates then picks it up from my hand.
The other kid who is a little younger keeps looking at me smiling. I offer the remaining 2 of them which he gleefully comes and picks up with smile.
I offer the incense stick and say go ahead and light it up.They do that with a big smile.I wished them Happy Diwali.All that the shy brothers do is again offer their brightest and beautiful smile.
So I had celeberated Diwali and Childrens day.

Sometimes it takes very little to make people smile. Including us :)

Nithila and Appa- Biggest Number

Nithila :Appa I know the biggest no.
Me: Tell me Nithila Kutty.
Nithila : Thousand hundren and ten ( with her hands wide trying to emphasise how big the number is ).
Me:Super Nithila Kutty let me teach you nos.See first 1s then 10s then 100s then 1000s and 100000.So 1lac is the biggest no.
Nithila: Ok appa.
Me: ok now tell me which is the biggest no???
Nithila: hmmm.1010.(Thousand and Hundred and ten)
And the loop continues.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

роЖропுрод роОро┤ுрод்родு- роЕрок்рокா роиிрод்родிро▓ா роХுроЯ்роЯி роХродை

роиிрод்родிро▓ா : роЕрок்рокா роЙропிро░் роОро┤ுрод்родுроХ்роХро│் 12, рооெроп் роОро┤ுрод்родுроХ்роХро│்18, роЙропிро░் рооெроп் роОро┤ுрод்родுроХ்роХро│் 216, роЕродு роОрой்рой роЖропுрод роОро┤ுрод்родு 1 роЕрок்рокроЯி рокோроЯ்роЯு роЗро░ுроХ்роХு??

роиாрой்: роЗро▓்ро▓ роЯா рооூрогு circle triangle shape ро▓ роЗро░ுроХ்роХுрооே роЕродு родாрой்роЯா.

роиிрод்родிро▓ா : роУ.роЕродுро╡ா? роЖройா роЕродு родройிропா роЗро░ுроХ்роХுроо் рокாро╡роо் ро▓.

роиாрой்: ????роОрой்рой роЯா роЪொро▓்ро▒ே?

роиிрод்родிро▓ா: роЗро▓்ро▓ роЕрок்рокா роЕ роиாро╡ுроХ்роХு роЖ роиா friend роЗро▓்ро▓ sister ро╡ெроЪ்роЪுроХро▓ாроо். роЕродு рооாро▒ி роОро▓்ро▓ா роЙропிро░் роОро┤ுрод்родுроХ்роХுроо் friends роЗро░ுроХ்роХு. роЗродு родройிропா роЗро░ுроХ்роХுроо் рокாро╡роо்ро▓ே?

роиாрой்: роУ роЕрок்рокроЯி роЪொро▓்ро▒ிропா роЯா.

роиாрой் рооройродிро▒்роХுро│் 'роЗрои்род роЙро▓роХрод்родிро▓ேропே роТро░ு роОро┤ுрод்родு роХ்роХு friend роЗро▓்ро▓ройு роХро╡ро▓ைрок்рокроЯ்роЯ роТро░ே роЬீро╡рой் роиீропா родாрой் роЗро░ுроХ்роХுроо்'
роЪிро▒ிродு ропோроЪройைроХ்роХு рокிрой்
роиாрой்: роиிродிро▓ா роЕрок்рокроЯிройா роР роХூроЯ родройிропா родாройே роЗро░ுроХ்роХுроо்.

роиிрод்родிро▓ா рокுрой்ройроХைроХ்роХ родொроЯроЩ்роХுроХிро▒ாро│்.

роиிрод்родிро▓ா : роЕрок்рокா роЪூрок்рокро░் роЕрок்рокா.роЕрок்рок  роГ роХ்роХு ' роР' friend роХிроЯроЪ்роЪுроЯுроЪ்роЪு. роЗройிрооே ро░ெрог்роЯுроо் friends a роЗро░ுрок்рокாроЩ்роХ.

роиாрой்: роЖрооாроо் роЯா. роЙрой் idea роЕро░ுрооை.