About Me

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Funloving,Social,Humorous,Spontaneous at times.Somebody who is empathetic,likes to express and keep learning.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Happy father's day

This father's day was special for me.
Let me tell you why.I had woken up earlier.My little daughter was to about to get up and my wife went and taught her that it is father's day and she should act like she is sleeping and when I come to wake her up she would scare and then later wish me.
As per plan i went and  she initially scared me.But the cutest part is she would tell "Happy father's day" in a hush hush tone as if it was a secret.And the funny thing this would happen across the day every hour or 2.She would come and tell 'Happy father's day'in a hush hush tone cutely and she would start playing again.
I did not understand why she was wishing every other hour.Finally my wife broke the secret.She had told her if she wished me i would buy her a gift.So in the evening when we were planning to go out, she asked Appa i have wished you many times would you buy me a gift.lol.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Hide and Seek

It's just one of those weekends and i am as usual lazing around with my smartphone and going through the myriad posts without any reason.

My 3 year old daughter watches me for some time.Probably she was waiting to get my attention and when she knew that it's not going to happen,she comes to me.She makes that angry face with her hands in hip tells me "Don't use the phone all the time.Its not good for you".She's using my own weapon against me.Ha.Kids these days i think to myself.
Then i ask her "What should i do now??"genuinely asking for a suggestion .
She has her finger on her chin implying that she is seriously thinking.Man.Kids these days are born actors.
Her eyes brighten "Let's play hide and seek".I say "OK.Lets do that".

First the rules are different.
Here is how it goes??
Scenario 1
When I have to hide.
She tells before hand where I have to hide.Then i have to hide exactly there so that she can come and find me.And i have to be shocked that she found me.
Scenario 2
When she has 2 hide
She will hide in some place really difficult for me to find.Like the one in this picture for example.The next favorite for her is she will just cover herself in the blanket while sitting in the bed.

Now you have probably less than 2 seconds for you to act like you are searching because immediately she will shout 'I am here'

If there is one thing that is so cute is the innocence of the little kids.
Their world is so beautiful and it's so wonderful to be a part of that world.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Help and happiness

It was just one of those days where i  have to go to the factory.The factory is on the outskirts of the city.As usual i was going in the car sent  by the regular travels.I stopped in the same usual hotel which has become a ritual of sorts on the days when i would visit the factory.After a nice breakfast and an even awesome coffee i got back to the car and we hit the road again.The drive through the road was a contrasting image as one could see both green fields as well as some factories.After a while I saw an elderly couple walking very slowly by the side of the road.When i focussed it became clear that the elderly woman or paati could hardly walk. While i was thinking aloud "Should i help or not?"i realised that we had passed fair bit of distance.I was not sure if their place was nearby and that could be the reason they were on foot.But still something inside me said lets check if they need help.Normally if i had been travelling with someone else i might have not stopped for fear that people could think i am just trying to show off my sensitive side.But then i was just going alone and i had no burden of that thought.So I told the driver what i saw and ask him to make a U-turn.It takes a bit of time  and  we went back to the place where they were slowly walking and pulled over.Upon seeing us immediately the old  man - Thaatha pleaded " Sir can you drop us in Manavalan Nagar?".That place is about 6 or7 kms away.I said "yes.Sure".Myself and the driver helped them and made them sit in the car.I could see their eyes welling up with gratitude.Such a small thing but how much it means to them.We were not doing anything great as it was just on the way to my place.On the way he was saying how life is difficult and he needs at least 200 rupees to get through the day.Paati wanted water and i offered a bottle which i had just bought.Thaatha scolded  her wife to drink without sipping .I told them they can have the bottle for themselves.I was thinking to myself how could the kids of the parents can leave them at such an age and condition.What could be more important in life than to take care of ones parents especially when they are so aged and cant even walk??Or probably they had no kids.I said to myself probably i was thinking too much.
Meanwhile we had reached the place where they wanted to get down.
I just gave them 200 rupees.They folded their hand with gratitude and said thanks.At that second I felt really heavy in my heart but then that feeling evaporated and was filled with a sense of happiness that i could help some one in need.Even if it was a small one.