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Funloving,Social,Humorous,Spontaneous at times.Somebody who is empathetic,likes to express and keep learning.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Story of a Library

Selvi hears her name being announced.She cannot believe.She starts walking and suddenly her vision seems to blur and her mind flashes back.

"Selvi!Selvi!Wake up ma.Its already 8" Kanimozhi yells from inside the small kitchen in the already small one bedroom house in the slum clearance board housing complex. Kanimozhi is one among the millions of India who form the low income group.Actually they should be just above the poverty line if we had a proper and realistic definition of Below Poverty Line in our country. She works as a house maid.Though from a poor back ground there is no lack of self respect. Selvi is her 10 year old daughter studying 5th grade in a Government Higher Secondary school in Semmenchery. It is the annual leave and since she said she is bored Kanimozhi decides to take her along while going for work.
"haaaaa"yawns and wakes up yelling back "Yes Amma. I am up. Milkkkkkkk"."First brush your teeth.Milk is already ready". Selvi quickly brushes and comes hopping to the kitchen "Amma you are the best"hugs her while Kanimozhi hands over the glass of milk. "Today you said you want to come with me right.Go quickly take a bath and wear the new clothes i have kept in the mat.I will make Idli's ready".She comes back in a jiffy and after the meal they head out walking towards the apartment complex whereKanimozhi works."Selvi!I will take you to the houses where i work.You should not take anything from there or ask for any eatables.Understood??" she asks. Selvi nods her head while she keeps looking at the small puppy of a street dog. Selvi keeps asking so many questions on the way and though Kanimozhi does not know the answers her chest swells with pride that she is growing up and is so intelligent and inquisitive.
On reaching the apartment, Kanimozhi signs the register and picks up a small note book from the security booth . "Amma! Why do you have to sign and what is that note book??" asks little Selvi.Portly security admires the way Selvi asks the question,  tells Kanimozhi "Your Kid is too smart and cute.Look at the way she asks".Kanimozhi explains that it is to make sure that strangers do not enter the complex and also she needs to get a signature from the house lady or the lord."Oh!.So much for security"She wonders.First they reach the house in A Block.Only the house lady and a boy kid of 10 years are in the house. Kanimozhi smiles at her and enters the house and heads to the kitchen to wash the utensils. The kid being the same age looks at Selvi and starts smiling at her with an intention to play. Houselady understands the intention and immediatley tells her son to go and play with the neighbours kid in their house.The kids leave reluctantly."Selvi come here to kitchen.Sit here till i finish the work."yells Kanimozhi. Selvi being a kid gets restless and slowly gets and tries to look around and starts walking.She looks at the big Pooja room with beautiful paintings of Gods and Goddesses and starts walking towards it but stops when she hears the scream from the house lady "No.Don't Go inside".Selvi just freezes."Amma sorry.She does not know"Kanimozhi apologises. Lady is still fuming. Selvi looks perplexed as she is unable to understand whats happening. While she is about to leave "Kanimozhi.I have some food.Take some in your utensils" tells the lady. "Oh Sorry Amma.I forgot to bring my utensils" acts as if she really forgot to bring it.
Kanimozhi then takes Selvi and moves to the other house where she works.Both of them ,Vetri and his wife, Aathirai work in a MNC. They have a small girl child of 7 years called Yazhini. Kanimozhi knocks the door."Akka.Come inside.Oh! This is your kid Selvi" Aathirai caresses the hair of the kid and mildly pinches the kid in her cheek with affection. "Yahini! Come here one cute little akka has come to our house.Go take her to your  room and share your toys and play with her.Vetri see how cute she is". Selvi is all smiles on seeing Yazhini. Within  no time both start playing with each other and starts and running around. Yazhini brings Selvi to her dad Vetri and they all start playing.As they keep running around suddenly Selvi stops"at the door of a room and stares at a huge book shelf. Vetri and Yazhini also stop. Yazhini tells Selvi "Selvi Akka! This is Äppa's small library.He has so many books" stretching her arms. Vetri asks "Selvi.Why are you staring?Do you like books??".She nods but it was more like an astonishment she felt in a similar way on seeing the huge pooja room in the previous house. "Can i go inside??"She asks Vetri not wanting to repeat the mistake.Vetri looks puzzled but then says "Of course.You can go inside.Do you want a book?I have some books for kids as well".Selvi's eys light up.Yazhini also joins "Appa.Give that elephant story book.I love it" They then start reading it. Kanimozhi comes to see what her kid is doing and heartened to see her kid with a book reading out to Vetri. Aathirai who is also inside along with Vetri and the kids in the room tells Kanimozhi "Akka! Make some dosas for you and Selvi as well and have it".Kanimozhi replies "Ok ma.Will have it if we feel hungry.We already ate breakfast and then only came".

Selvi asks Vetri "Uncle!Why do you have a library??". Vetri explains how he liked reading and came up in his life because of studies.Then he explained further it is important to keep reading even though one has finished college and studies. Selvi listened to him with rapt attention and finally says "Ok.I will also make one library ".Vetri smiles and tell her "Yes.You can have one when you become old like me".Selvi immediatley replies "No No Uncle.I will make one now before my school starts".Vetri and Aathirai are just pleasantly surprised at the confidence of the young girl.Vetri keen to understand more asks "Why do you want to make a library ??You need some space if you want to have a similar sized book shelf ".Without hesitation but with all innocence she replies "Uncle! We all live in small houses.If we have a library then me and all kids in my area will study and become like you and live in bigger houses comfortably right??".Vetri was moved and replied "OK.I can collect  20,000 rupees and set up a library for you but that will not be right.You want to make a library for everyone right.Then everyone should contribute for the library.Only then everyone will feel it is their library and take good care of it.Can you understand what i am saying?".Even though she is small, she is smart enough and nods her head.Vetri starts with a small contribution and reminds her that she should not accept any one person offering to make this library and she should only raise funds by collective contribution.He also promises her to help buy the shelf and the books once the amount has been raised. Kanimozhi feels so proud and they come back home.

Selvi goes to her friends and tells this idea. No body seems enthused by the idea and they start playing. Kanimozhi also for her part tries to  tell the idea to her friends to raise some money.They all start mocking at her.Dejection only delves in the mind of the adult but not  kids. No matter how many times they fall,they still get up,dust themselves and start running. Selvi does not give up and starts visiting each house in her effort to raise money and slowly a group of similar aged kids gather behind her and they start reaching out to all houses.Slowly people start contributing for the cause and they start accumulating cash.Local councilor upon hearing this, offers to build a library but Selvi explains to him that she want to raise it from all the people but all that she wants is good space for setting it up.Being a kid she has just remembered every word of Vetri. Even though she could not understand the larger reason behind that,she just blindly trusted Vetri  because she wanted everyone to take care of the library.Asking for space was Kanimozhi's idea and she had just parroted it.The local councilor agrees to allot a small room intended for some other purpose for setting up library. 

Meanwhile the kitty swells up to 15K. Kanimozhi  joins the drive whenever she can but being an adult she could see how the people do not hesitate to immediately donate for temple renovation but hesitate to contribute for library.With just 10 more days left, Selvi along with her friends and mother start visiting houses again and again.They stop at a tea shop.Tea shop run by Mani anna is always crowded. Today a group of guys between 25-30 were discussing animatedly with all the excitement sitting in their bikes.Kanimozhi went to one of the guys she knew and asked "Guru!Selvi is collecting funds to set up a library for our community.Can you and friends contribute a little bit for that??". Guru replied but it was very clear that he was trying to keep his anger in check."Akka!We ourselves are clueless as to how we will raise money which is falling short for arranging a grand welcome for our cine star Thalaivar Ranjith" . Soon it became clear to Kanimozhi that Ranjith, a leading actor is about to visit their complex for a movie shooting and all these guys who were part of his fan club   wanted to install huge flex banners burst crackers and welcome him with a huge garland.They were all worried about their own fund situation that they were 5000 rupees short of 25000. No wonder they were not interested to part money for this Kanimozhi thought to herself. Meanwhile Selvi oblivious to all that is happening around her goes about her drive to raise money.Finally many residents start to yield to the 'never give up attitude' of Selvi and her friends."Selvi! You are unstoppable.I am sorry i could not give it earlier.Here keep this 500" told a woman same age as her mother Kanimozhi. Many more people did the same thing. Selvi and her band of friends cannot hide their glee when Kanimozhi told they had collected 20,000 amount."Amma! we have collected the money..Check one more time if its correct".Kanimozhi nods in disbelief and then finally smiles after counting. Selvi eggs her mother to take her to Vetri's house without any delay. Vetri is sitting in the hall wearing a shorts and T-Shirt and as usual with his newspaper sipping a tea. "Vetri Sir.Selvi has collected the total money of 20,000" said Kanimozhi with a smile. "What? Selvi has collected the money.Aathirai looks at this superstar?"exclaims Vetri. Selvi jumps with joy and Vetri just lifts her up in joy."Uncle we collected the money.We collected the money"   Selvi keeps on shouting. Upon hearing Aathirai stops working on a laptop ,comes to the hall and kisses Selvi.
Yazhini, though she is clueless about what is going on,  nevertheless is smart enough to understand its a joyous occasion and joins the celebration. Together Vetri and Selvi go to the furniture store and upon hearing the effort the owner of the store decides to give the shelf at a better discount without any profit for him.He also tells he will deliver it free of cost and provide few chairs. Vetri armed with a list of books suggested by a professor gives order to the book store.Owner of the book store again turns up to be a kind man and offers them books at highly discounted increasing the number of books.

Selvi and her friends go and invite everyone in their slum clearance board complex for the opening of library. Kanimozhi and Selvi then invite Vetri and Aathirai. They also request him to open the library and Vetri agrees to come but still reluctant on opening the library.On the day of opening, many residents,including the councilor  and school staff turn up. On being prodded to cut the ribbon, Vetri lifts Selvi and makes her to cut the ribbon. Everybody makes a huge noise in appreciation. Kanimozhi could not stop smiling because of happiness and her eyes were filled with pride.Many of them assembled keeps clicking the pictures and shooting the video.

"Selvi and her mother Kanimozhi Madam! Please come up to the stage " requested the anchor again. On hearing this Selvi came back to the moment.They went up the stage and collected the award for Amazing Kid of the year by a famous magazine.

Little did they know that the pic and video of Library opening was going to become big later.One person just posted the video of the opening in social media.Like any other beautiful story it was lapped and became a big sensation as everyone started sharing it.Finally it ended beautifully with Selvi getting the amazing.Vetri while standing applauding tells Aathirai " Normally the Library has so many beautiful stories in it.But this is special.This is a beautiful story about a library ".Aathirai corrected him " Ah!No.Selvi's Library".

A game of Chess with my kid

My wife Suganya comes out laughing from the room.I wait because i know that she is going to narrate me the incident. She tells me "Vijay!You wont believe what happened just now.I played chess with Nithila and then a funny thing happened". I am already swelling with pride.My 4 year old kid attempts to play chess.I know she would barely know the game but still its a big deal for any father.
I asked my wife "She knows to play chess?How did you teach her??".
 She replies " That's another story.But just sit and watch me play with her.Then you will know why i was laughing".
Then we go inside and there is the chess board with coins strewn around in front of that .My wife tells my daughter "Ok. Nithila!Lets play another game.Daddy wants to watch you and me play.Ready?"
Nithila is all smiles and nods her head. Suganya tells "Ok. Nithila! Let us arrange the pieces.Do you want to play with white or black pieces?". She keeps her finger on the chin implying that she is deeply thinking and then after a moment says "White.No No. i will have black".Then my wife teaches her where to place which pieces.She does this dodging questions in the process which  my kid keeps asking like why should we keep the soldiers only in the front and why not this why not that. Finally all set for the game.

My wife first moves the first soldier by 2 squares.My kid does the same.Then next soldier we move it by one square.Again a question fired "Why first one is moved by 2 sqaures and not the other ones??".Somehow we get through that unscathed.Then my wife cuts one of the soldiers and my kid starts crying and throwing tantrums.Then we witness the unexpected.Nithila picks up one of the soldiers makes a swoop and in the process knocks of all the pieces of my wife and yells triumphantly "Yay.I win.I win.You said if i knock of the King i win right?I win I win".
We both are on the floor laughing our guts out while Nithila stands clueless :)

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Terrible tiger

Once upon a time there a thick forest in India.All the animals were living peacefully and happily.The forest had rabbits,hippos,rhinos,Giraffes,Horses,Zebra,Wild Buffaloes, Deers, Birds and an elephant.
The Elephant had bid good bye to his friends as he had to go visit his old friends in another forest.He said he will be back after a month and all the other animals had waved him good bye.
Suddenly a terrible tiger came out of nowhere and claimed now that he is the King of this piece of forest.He started scaring the other animals.He said they all had to get him food everyday and if they don't he will start hunting them one by one and start eating them.
The animals were very scared and they started giving them the food they had stored earlier.But day by day the tiger was becoming more difficult to manage.He started shouting at the animals and scaring them more than before.
All the animals wanted to put an end to this.They did not know how to do that.Then a Giraffe suggested that they should go to the tortoise who is the oldest in the forest and was very wise.They all secretly went to meet him in the night.The animals went and told everything to tortoise.Tortoise said that only if they can get the elephant to the forest they can get rid of the tiger menace.They all agreed.But how could they find the elephant?
Then rabbit suggested that they send the Giraffe to find the elephant as she is very tall.She can look from a height a long distance the rabbit said.She could follow the foot print of the elephant and finally find him. Tortoise said though it was a very good suggestion it will take more time to find that way.Then one of the deer suggested that Eagle would be a better option.Tortoise told with his eyes wide "Yes.Eagle is a brilliant suggestion".He can fly at a very high altitude and has a very good eye sight and see things clearly even from very high altitude.He can also cover long distance very quickly.
They called the eagle and told him the plan.Eagle readily accepted to help the fellow animals.He set out on a flight to search the elephant.He rose above and quickly looked at the footprint of the elephant.Due to the height at which he was flying he could clearly look up the direction in which elephant had gone and went to the Elephant and told him about everything and he was angry at the tiger and told the eagle he will start immediately. Eagle told he will bring further instruction after  meeting with tortoise.Eagle flew back to tortoise and told him that luckily the Elephant was in a place which was only 2 days away and he has started already.Tortoise gave an instruction to eagle and asked him to pass it to the Elephant.
Tortoise called the animals.The animals came and told him that tiger has become more terrible and is asking for more food.Tortoise told the animals the plan and they all became happy when they heard it.They all went back.Tiger as usual growled and asked them to bring more food.The rabbit walked up to him and told that "Oh Tiger King! You deserve a royal feast.We are expecting our elephant which had gone for a vacation to come back.He is very big.You can have him".
Tiger said "Very well then.I will have the elephant then.Bring him to me"Rabbit replied "Öh Tiger King! He will come exactly on the third day morning and you will have to wait till then"
Tiger shouted at him"2 days.What do i do?Bring me something to eat".Horse told that "Oh Tiger King! You have to be very very hungry when the elephant comes.Only then you can have more.Dont you think?". Tiger started thinking.Horse said "Till then we can have fun and celebration to keep you engaged.We will give you some soup so that you develop a strong hunger.You will even forget the hunger as the performance from our friends will be so wonderful". Tiger agreed.
Celebrations started and tiger started enjoying and he was being fed a soup.Meanwhile the other animals had gathered a lot of special fruits for the elephant so that he could have it all and be very strong when he faces the tiger.Elephant reached and had all the special fruits and felt very strong.
Finally on the 3rd day morning they told the tiger "Oh Tiger King! We have the elephant and we have caught him and kept in a place.We want to gift you.Please come with us". Tiger happily said Öh Yes.Oh Yes".When he went there the elephant was held by four wild buffaloes.But they were just acting.When the tiger went near and said "Ahh. Elephant you area going to be my feast today".Elephant said "These are my friends.You did terrible things to them.I am going to make you run".Tiger understood he has been smartly tricked.He tried to attack and then realized that he was weak as he has been having only soups for last 2 days.Tiger knew he had been completely outsmarted.He tried to run but the animals had formed a ring to prevent him from escaping.The elephant caught him by the tail and slammed him to the ground many times.Then tiger started pleading "Please let me go".Tortoise said " Elephant!Let him go.I think he has learned a lesson"

The tiger ran away and was never seen again in their forest.All the animals lived happily and peacefully.

Moral of the story "Dont bully anyone.If some one bullies then all should unite and teach a lesson to the bully so that he does not do it to anyone again.Unity is strength"

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Nithila - Amul Choco spread

Nithila's mom brought home a Amul Choco spread while purchasing groceries.Needless to say that anything with Chocolate makes the kids go gaah gaah. But we forgot to get bread.For the next 3 days Nithila would ask me if had bought bread.I am more like an absent minded professor when it comes to these things.
Finally we bought bread. Nithila was super excited."Appa i want Amul Choco spread on the bread"she kept saying."Ütterly butterly gilicious Amul" she would keep singing.Even though i tried to correct her that it is "Utterly butterly delicious . Amul", She would just ignore me and continue singing the way she knows.
Then i proudly say trying to show off my skills "I would make you bread and choco spread sandwich".Nithila goes "Yeah.Yummy.Can you make me in the shapes of Alphabets???".My  ego just a while ago inflated got burst.I did not see that coming."Nithila! Can i make something else??"On second though Nithila says Äppa! Can you make me sandwich like Shapes. Circle,Triangle,Square??". Wow that's a reasonable challenge to my creativity I say to myself "Yeah Nithila. Appa can make that for you"".While i was doing this she would just sneak and put her finger on the spread and lick and say "Yummy".First time i ignored.Next time i smiled and said no.Third time,holding her gently i said "Nithila! Appa is making this only for you.And you can have all that you want.But it is not right to put your fingers in the choco spread.That is not right as others will not like it".She listened to me and said pretending to be remorseful "Sorry appa.I won't do it again"
I said "It's OK Nithila.As long as you don't do it again".
Then i started making sandwich again and when i casually looked what Nithila was up to i saw that funny sight.This time Nithila was licking the choco spread using her tongue.
I only asked her not to put her finger in the spread.I never told her not to lick directly using tongue. Isn't it? Technically speaking, i had not explained her properly."
We both had a good laugh.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Nithila and Appa - Car Alarm

Nithila,Appa and Amma go in a car to the neighborhood park to play.
They park the car and get inside the park. Nithila is excited and spends the next 45 minutes playing.
They are done playing and go to the small vegetable and fruit stall and buy for the week.
With the bags full Appa tries to put in the boot.By mistake Appa opens the boot without using the remote to open and the alarm goes off "Wee Wee Wee Wee".Then Appa manages to stop the alarm.

They return back home and Appa is opening the trunk and removing the bags.Little Nithila is watching her Appa do all this but carefully so that by mistake alarm does not go off.When he explains Nithila asks why the car goes "Wee Wee Wee Wee".Appa replies "Kutty.It is to prevent the thieves from stealing our car.If they try to steal out car then the car will go Wee Wee Wee and we can come and catch the thief ". She again asks why do we need to do that.Appa replies "If we dont do that then we will have no car.Then how can we go to other places??". "In the bike"pat came the reply from Little Nithila. Appa and Amma had a hearty laugh while Nithila looked puzzled.

Nithila and Appa - Helmet starts the bike

My father took  my car as he had to go to another city.
So i had to take my kid Nithila in Bike to school.She also loves to ride with me in bike.
First day i tried to start the bike.Since my bike had been lying unused for long time the battery was not powerful enough.(My bike has a Electric Fuel Injection Pump- SO battery power is needed even if you have to kick start).After 4 or 5 attempts it still doesn't start.Finally i realise;put the choke and then it starts.My daughter was keenly watching all that was going on in my attempt to get the bike started.

Second day since I had learnt the lesson i started the bike applying the choke straightaway.It starts on 2nd attempt.
My kid smiles at me and said "Oh OK! so if you wear a helmet it starts immediately".I was puzzled for a while because i really could not make what she just told.
Then i asked her again "what are you saying kutti?".She calmly said "Appa. You wore helmet today.It started immediately.Yesterday you did not wear a helmet so it took sometime.So from now on wear helmet ok".
I just could not stop adoring the innocence.

Just reminded me of the famous comedy scene in a tamil movie wher Ajith;the hero  pulls the leg of a auto driver in the attempt to get his vehicle started.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Time has come

                                                              TIME HAS COME

It was getting late enough to be worried. I once again stepped into the balcony and looked down. Except for a drenched street dog that was lying down miserably near the gate, there was not a soul to be seen anywhere. Rain water had puddled under the lamp post. A breeze ruffled the mango tree in the courtyard and a few twigs fell down and broke. Thunder rumbled in the distance. Did I hear a soft knock at the door? I turned back. I craned my neck to see if indeed someone knocked the door. Waiting for someone eagerly does create hallucinations. I wanted to be sure and did not want to risk. I was just hallucinating. Why would he want to help me? Is it a trap? Why did he chose such a place? Rumour has it that the family that lived in this house consumed poison and committed suicide. People believed that this place is haunted and it has never been occupied ever since. It was a two story house in the middle of big square plot completely surrounded by huge trees. It had different varieties of trees but the number of mango trees outnumbered the rest. With no one to take care, the place looked eerie. It was dark and the only light was the one coming from the half moon. Many people do not realise that the eyes can get used to darkness after a while. It was not very clear but at the same it was not completely dark either.
The person who asked me to come is definitely smart. Though it was a residential area, this house was at the dead end and people had no reason to come this place. His instructions were very clear. I had to come alone and I should leave the vehicle away from the house and reach the house without anybody’s knowledge. He has asked me to come at 10.30 p.m. as no one would be awake at that time. But now it was well past midnight. I am used to eerie places but every minute of delay was making me nervous. What he said over the phone kept ringing in my ears. “I have what you want” he said over the phone. I was just hoping that what he said was indeed true. I was in the middle of a dangerous game. One slip and I could be finished. I have always had the belief that the truth surfaces no matter what but more often people dig a grave and bury it. People have so much greed and expectation that there is always a price for the morally weak and corrupt. But I have always been the other kind. The ones who are far too less to find but do exist nevertheless. And I prided myself for being such a person. He was very particular that I come alone. Obviously he did not trust anyone else. Even if he had not mentioned that I still would have come alone. Being honest is like being a mutant that they show in X- Men movie. We all look the same but there are very few of us. In my profession being honest automatically makes one a prey for the traitors.
After being lost in thoughts the sudden sound of the bark brings me back to the present. Should be the stray dog at the entrance gate. Probably he is here I think. I peep out from the balcony. I could not see anyone. Another instance of getting duped by hallucination. “Sir” the voice shocks me. He is there right in front of me. “Sorry Sir. I had to make sure no one else was there” he says. I could understand his fear. “What is that you have?” I ask him very sternly. And as an after though , I add “Who are you?”. “Sir. I am Nithilan, a student of journalism. I have something that will be very helpful to you in the case that you are investigating”.  “Nithilan! Let me ask you something. The way you were careful in choosing the place and the time, it shows that you are indeed aware of the perils of getting involved in this case. So why would you want to help in a high profile case like this?” I ask him intently looking at his face keen on reading his body language as well.  “Vetri Sir. I am a journalism student but my aim is to get into Civil services and become an IPS officer like you. And Mr.Anbu Sezhian IAS whose suicide case that you are handling was a mentor to many of the aspirants including me. He used to regularly visit the Govt Study Circle for IAS aspirants to give pep talks where I am preparing right now ” he paused to see if I was listening. I nod my head and gestured my hand. He understood and continued “In fact I was collecting information for him about various Granite companies that are into rampant illegal mining and causing loss to the exchequer. I just used a pretext of doing article on the employment generated by Granite companies for my college assignment to avoid the suspicion. For some reason he found me more trustworthy and he gave me a C.D. that is password protected. And he specifically asked me to hand it over to you if something should happen to him. And he also asked me to tell you this sentence"Time has come and the mystery will be unravelled”. I thanked him and left the place.
I came back home and was trying hard to figure out the password. I can get this opened up by experts for sure but I cannot afford to do that given the situation. I was angry on my inability to figure out the password. I had to solve the mystery because I too had my own connection with the deceased Mr.Anbu Sezhian IAS. My thoughts drifted and into the past.12 years back to be precise. Anbu and myself came from a humble rural background and we met each other in the Government Center which trained aspirants for Civil Services Examination coming from disadvantaged sections. He was senior to me by 2 years and a great mentor. I was very keen on becoming an IPS officer while he wanted to only become an IAS officer. We both were determined to do well because of the humiliation we had faced as commoners and we wanted to be different when got into position of authority. He got selected 2 years before me and I was very happy for him. Both of us were honest officers and as result we were transferred from one place to another and it was by chance that we got posted to the same place. He had an amazing memory which was unbelievable. He could clearly narrate the incidents that happened in his childhood. He could recite the couplets of Thirukural if somebody just mentioned the number of the couplet. I was getting frustrated that I could not crack the password because he left me a clue and obviously for that I have to remember the past and that would be key for me to figure out the password. “Time has come and the mystery will be unravelled” I slowly repeat to myself. Then a sudden flash and my eyes lit up. I picked up the laptop and quickly keyed in the letters ‘M-A-N-D-R-A-K-E ‘into the system and the password was accepted. No wonder. It was the title of the short story he penned for a contest in a magazine and Mandrake was the character that utters the dialogue. Never in my dreams did I think that one day the same words will apply to the mystery of his own murder.
It had 2 video clips and a huge 1500 page document in PDF version. Knowing very well the kind of person Anbu was, I was very certain that he would have done a thorough investigation. I opened the first clip. The visuals were recorded in the point of view of the user of the camera. It had to be a spy cam that Anbu used without the knowledge of anyone else. It showed Charles, M.D of the Best Granites initially trying to be friendly and gradually losing his cool and trying to threaten Anbu over the irregularities of Granite scam. Later on he is being pulled away by the people who accompanied him. The place looks familiar. It is the same traveller’s bungalow where Anbu purportedly committed suicide. The second video has Anbu himself talking towards the camera telling “Though finding irregularities has never been a new thing this time it is different here. If at all something happens to me then Charles would be responsible for my death”.
Next day afternoon I complete all the formalities to make the arrest based on the evidence available. Armed with the warrant I arrest Charles amidst all the drama. Condescendingly Charles mocks at me saying that he will be out in time. I go near him   “Charles! You are probably right. But you never know. Anything can happen. Life is full of uncertainties”. Charles starts clutching the chest and signalling that he is having a heart attack. Before even we try to call the ambulance we could hear an ambulance siren. Paramedics quickly put Charles in a stretcher and rush up to the Ambulance. While all this is happening I could see the Lawyer representing Charles smile at me. I smile back at him and he is puzzled. He thinks everything is happening according to his plan. Influential persons when arrested feigning a heart attack is not new. But this time the only difference is the heart attack is real. How do I know that? It was my handiwork. Thanks to the forensic expert who agreed to help me.Truth is he never had any other choice after I gently reminded him that it was not possible to make a murder look a suicide unless they had the support of the forensic experts.

Time did come for Charles but the mystery won’t be solved. Farewell Anbu! See you in the next world.