About Me

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Funloving,Social,Humorous,Spontaneous at times.Somebody who is empathetic,likes to express and keep learning.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Nithila and Appa- Biggest Number

Nithila :Appa I know the biggest no.
Me: Tell me Nithila Kutty.
Nithila : Thousand hundren and ten ( with her hands wide trying to emphasise how big the number is ).
Me:Super Nithila Kutty let me teach you nos.See first 1s then 10s then 100s then 1000s and 100000.So 1lac is the biggest no.
Nithila: Ok appa.
Me: ok now tell me which is the biggest no???
Nithila: hmmm.1010.(Thousand and Hundred and ten)
And the loop continues.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

ஆயுத எழுத்து- அப்பா நித்திலா குட்டி கதை

நித்திலா : அப்பா உயிர் எழுத்துக்கள் 12, மெய் எழுத்துக்கள்18, உயிர் மெய் எழுத்துக்கள் 216, அது என்ன ஆயுத எழுத்து 1 அப்படி போட்டு இருக்கு??

நான்: இல்ல டா மூணு circle triangle shape ல இருக்குமே அது தான்டா.

நித்திலா : ஓ.அதுவா? ஆனா அது தனியா இருக்கும் பாவம் ல.

நான்: ????என்ன டா சொல்றே?

நித்திலா: இல்ல அப்பா அ நாவுக்கு ஆ நா friend இல்ல sister வெச்சுகலாம். அது மாறி எல்லா உயிர் எழுத்துக்கும் friends இருக்கு. இது தனியா இருக்கும் பாவம்லே?

நான்: ஓ அப்படி சொல்றியா டா.

நான் மனதிற்குள் 'இந்த உலகத்திலேயே ஒரு எழுத்து க்கு friend இல்லனு கவலைப்பட்ட ஒரே ஜீவன் நீயா தான் இருக்கும்'
சிறிது யோசனைக்கு பின்
நான்: நிதிலா அப்படினா ஐ கூட தனியா தானே இருக்கும்.

நித்திலா புன்னகைக்க தொடங்குகிறாள்.

நித்திலா : அப்பா சூப்பர் அப்பா.அப்ப  ஃ க்கு ' ஐ' friend கிடச்சுடுச்சு. இனிமே ரெண்டும் friends a இருப்பாங்க.

நான்: ஆமாம் டா. உன் idea அருமை.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

சயன்ஸ் பிராஜக்ட்

வண்டியை நிறுத்தி கதவை திறந்து விட்ட டிரைவரிடம் "நாளைக்கு காலையில 8 மணிக்கே வந்திடுங்க "என்று கூறியவாறு வீட்டின் கேட்டை திறந்து உள்ளே நுழைந்தான் மகேஷ்.

உள்ளே நுழைந்ததும் தன் 12 வயது  மகன் ரமேஷ் அழுதபடியே நின்று கொண்டிருந்ததை கவனித்தான். " என்ன ரமேஷ் என்னப்பா ஆச்சு ஏன் அழுது கொண்டே இருக்க??" என்று வினவிய மகேஷ்க்கு எதுவும் பதில் சொல்லவில்லை.

"என்னப்பா  அப்பா கேட்டுட்டே இருக்காரு நீ எதுவுமே பதில் சொல்லாம அமைதியா இருந்தா எப்படி?" என்று கூறியவாறு hall இற்குள் நுழைந்தாள் ரம்யா.

"அப்பா ! என்னுடைய ஸ்கூல் science exhibition காக நான் ஒரு miniature farm land create பண்ணி இருந்தேன்.கிட்டத்தட்ட 2 weeks effort அப்பா.இன்னிக்கு ஸ்கூலுக்கு submit பண்ண எடுத்துட்டு போகும்போது   மழையில் நனைந்து complete ஆ வீணா போயிருச்சு. " என்று கூறிக்கொண்டே தன்னிடம் வந்த மகனை சமாதானப்படுத்தினான் மகேஷ்.

மதியம் கொள்முதல் நிலையத்தில் விவசாயிகள் கண்ணீர் மல்க மழையில் நெல் மூட்டை எல்லாம் நனைஞ்சிகிட்டு இருக்கு எப்படியாவது கொஞ்சம் சீக்கிரமா பண்ணிடுங்கயா என்று கூறியதை உதாசீனப்படுத்தி வேகமாக கிளம்பியதை  நினைத்து மனம் வருந்தினான் மகேஷ்.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

PTM - Nithila ,Appa,Amma story

Nithila: Appa. See Amma is not doing anything.She is always on Twitter all the time.
Ask her to do work
Appa: Yes Nithila.You are right. Suganya go and do some work.
Amma: why should I work?Today is weekend.I am in my mom's place. I am going to enjoy.

Suddenly Amma remembers.
Amma: Wait. wait. Today we have parents teachers meeting online. I am going to tell your class teacher about your behavior.
Nithila: Amma Amma.No Amma please please don't say anything about me.
Amma: No way.I am going to complain about you to Class Teacher for sure.
Realising the ploy is not working,Nithila changes tack.
Nithila: Appa.I am giving you a mission.
Appa: what mission ????(scratching my head cluelessly)
Nithila: Appa Your mission is to make sure that Amma does not say anything about me during PTM.Thats your mission.


Monday, October 12, 2020

Nithila and Appa - Artist

Appa and kutti Nithila stories

Appa: it's 9.30 pm Nithila.Lets go to bed it's time to sleep.

Nithila: Appa tomorrow is Saturday. I will sleep late and wake up late.

After 1 hour.

Appa: Nithila now it's 10.30.Lets sleep.
Nithila: Appa let's do one small painting and then go to sleep.
  Please please.Pretty please 
( I don't know what this pretty please is.But who can say no when your cute little girl pleads)
Appa: Ok.what do you want me to draw??
Nithila: Small house you me and amma.
Appa: ok.Shall i draw a small dog as well??
Nithila: yes yes.
I start drawing and it comes reasonably ok.
Nithila: Appa.You have very good talent.You draw so nicely .Where did you learn ??
Appa(me): I am still walking in the air since then :)

Best thing that can happen to a Dad is appreciation from kids who think everything about their parents is super cool.Learning to be happy with small things and genuinely appreciating are things that we can learn from kids.

Saturday, September 19, 2020


Rakesh,Somu and Vignesh were all dumbfounded.A pale of gloom surrounded the room.They were looking at each other's face and the words won't come out.
They could not believe what they saw.
This is not what they had expected.This had consumed days of effort.They had burnt the midnight oil for this.
They had done meticulous planning.Thrashing out all the variables that could lead to failure of the plan.They had thought about all the angles of failure as well to ensure that they were not blindsided.
Everything went well as per the plan.Untill this moment. Finally youngest of the lot Vignesh burst out crying "Oh My God!!! This can't happen to us.We put so much effort.They say Hard Work never fails.Then why this??".
With Somu just signalling Rakesh went upto Vignesh."Vignesh!!We understand your frustration.We too are disappointed.It happens.Lets take it as a learning to not take everything at face value".
And there lied scattered all the jewelery they had robbed which just turned out to be just high quality imitation. 

Saturday, September 5, 2020

The Ukulele Girl

 I had just finished my official trip and after 5 days I was going back home.I was sitting in my seat in a small Bombardier aircraft with 2 seat on either side of the row.I normally wish for a interesting co- passenger,or a celebrity famous personality so that I can have some interesting conversation.But that very rarely happens either because of my reluctance or from the co-passenger.

Since I had boarded earlier I was sitting in my allotted seat which was a window seat.I was just peering into the outside and occasionally looking inside where others were boarding one by one and taking up their designated seats.Suddenly there was lot of giggles and bit of cheer and I saw 3 young Girls who looked like they just probably are in the first or second year of their college.As usual they were more cheerful than the older lot and that explained the laughter or giggles.

Out of the 3, 2 had already taken their seats and they all seemed to carry a Guitar or someinstrument.The 3rd girl kept moving towards the rear and finally came to my seat.I smiled at her and she smiled back.She had quite a few bags in her hand and one small instrument inside a case which looked the size of a violin.Upon seeing her struggle to place the luggage I said to her ' Hi! If it's ok for you , you can give me that instrument.I will hold it for you'. She replied ' Thanks a lot! That would be so helpful' and sat down after placing her baggage in the over head compartment.

 I then turned to her and said ' Quite a lot of luggage ha' . She replied ' Yeah. True.And since they were a bit delicate had to carry all'. Then we just introduced each other. She said she was a student of fashion design. 

Even though I don't play any instrument I always have been  interested in music and people who play instruments.

Then I slowly asked her ' I saw you and other Girls all have some instruments.Are you a Band or something ? '. She replied very honestly ' Oh no no.I am not part of any band but I just bought this to play for my own sake.My other 2 friends are better in terms of playing than me'. Then I asked further ' From the size of it looks like a violin.Is it??" To which she replied " No.Since it is in a case it looks like that.It is actually a Ukulele". I had no clue as I had never heard that name before.I told her "Honestly.I have never heard that name before".

"Oh yes many people have definitely seen this but then they don't know it's name.I am sure you will recollect when I explain" she said and I had no clue if I would be able to find out. Then she started explaining or rather describing " This is like a small sized guitar.You would have seen in many Tamil movies where the Hero plays.My father had shown me even in old movies Shivaji Ganesan plays in one of the songs" I could not recollect immediately but then had a faint idea.Trying to check if my guess was correct by quoting one of the old songs and she said yes that's the one.

Then probably she felt comfortable or may be still had trust with society she continued speaking " I just bought this Ukulele because it is easier for beginners to learn.Normally people start off with this and then move onto Guitar ". She went on to the tell how her parents are very friendly and how she convinced her father to get her one Ukulele suddenly one day and his father agreed to buy her one. She went on to describe how she was a darling of her father and how he encourages her to do what she wants.

The more she spoke , for some reason I was imagining as if I was having a conversation with a grown up future version of  my daughter (who was just 3 years old at that time).

Without even realising time had flown and we reached Chennai.I said it was wonderful chatting with her and she replied the same.

And i said Good Bye to the Future version of my daughter.