About Me

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Funloving,Social,Humorous,Spontaneous at times.Somebody who is empathetic,likes to express and keep learning.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Back to the present

Listening to the songs in mobile I was just about to finish my morning walk.
I was just taking the last left that leads to street where my apartment is.I saw A young boy (teen rather) coming in a cycle the one with a  straight handle bar MTB type .He was wearing his in school uniform.Quickly it took my mind on a time travel and in a flash reminded about my school days.
When I was just relishing the thought of my school days and memories the young boy from apartment smile at me and said "Good Morning Uncle"
Within a flash was transported back to the present :)

P.S: Still wondering why is he going to school so early in a school uniform.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Wake me up??

We are about to hit the bed.
I called "Nithila! It's time to sleep.Come here kutty.".
"Ok Appa" she replies and comes and lies down next to me.
" Appa! Tomorrow you wake me up at 5 o clock itself".I just casuall nod.
"Appa I am serious.Wake me up tomorrow"
" Nithila Kutty! You have been saying this for almost a month now.But when I try to wake you up you just say tomorrow and again curl up and sleep" I tell her with a serious face.
" No Appa.This time I have an idea" she says.
" Nithila! Appa has tried many ideas.I tried to gently wake you up using your favorite song.I played loud music in TV.I even tried to gently shake you up" throwing my hands up " Nothing seems to work".
"No Appa I have an idea.Listen to this" and I try to cut her off " No Nithila.You listen to me.I have a new idea.The moment you wake say 54321 and jump out of the bed".
For a while she is silent allowing me to win then she says "Ok.Appa.Suppose if that also doesn't work,let's try my idea".
My kid is a child prodigy when it comes to art of negotiation and convincing."Ok Nithila tell me your idea" I tell her.
She starts speaking in a serious tone 
" Ok.See I am not waking up at that time because I am dreaming no." I am confused and reply "Ok So??".
"Appa.You should know my dream and then when you tell about the dream I will automatically wake up because of the interest".
I think to myself that's the most interesting and super natural idea almost like Inception movie.
I explain her " But Nithila it is your dream that comes in your sleep.How can I find what's happening on your dream da?It's not possible".

"Ayyo Appa.Wait. Now show me your head".She keeps her hand in my head trying to find what's inside my head.After a while she turns to me and says " Appa there is nothing in your head.You have no imagination"
I just could not stop myself from laughing.
" Yes Nithila Kutty I am no where close to you when it comes to imagination".

Monday, August 17, 2020

Why do we tonsure ?? (Nithila and Appa Story)

Few days back I was doing some online research to understand the story(original native version) of our native God's we worship as Clan Deity(Kathayee Amman) in our family. I found the story about another God(Periyachi) though it's not our clan deity but we give the same treatment to that God as well.Once I learnt about it I was trying to explain the story to my kid.

Telling story to my kid is not the linear narration of me telling and she listening with rapt attention.Its more of a Christopher Nolan style narration :).

She will ask me something and we meander somewhere for explaining this and that and try to be back to explaining the story.

Me: Nithila! I have a nice story to tell.
Nithila: Yes appa.Story about what?
Me: it's about the God in our Village temple.
Nithila: Which temple??
Me: Don't you remember.The temple we went to tonsure your head when you were 3 years old.
You cried a lot.
Nithila: Yes Appa.I remember now.
Me: Do you remember the scary looking God in Black dress ??
Nithila: Yes appa.Very scary.
Me: I know the story of that God.
Nithila: Appa wait.
Me: What Nithila??
Nithila: Why do we tonsure our head?
Me: We do that for every kids born in our family once they are born and first time we do that in that temple.
Nithila: But why?
Me: Me scratching my head.
Nithila: What will God do with our hair????
Me: Me scratching my head even more.
Finally she came to her own conclusion.
Nithila: Appa I think God will make Wigs using that hair.
I said 'May be'  nodding my head.Though she found an answer.
Now I was the one with a question hanging over my head.
P.S: I never got to tell the story and never proceeded after realising   it as it was bit violent for small kid.

Smile please!!!

I was driving to my brothers place which is 30 mins drive from my home.
I had to pass through a toll plaza.
I slowed down and then there was a car in front of me.The white color  car had a sticker of  Army written in White on the rear glass.
Probably I was paying a lot of attention to the car or may be I was lost in own thought my face should have looked grim or serious.
The guy in the toll plaza " Anna! Why are you looking so grim??"
I could not believe he was asking me.Then I ask him "Are you asking   me??".He said " Yes Anna.I am asking you only." With a smile in his face.
Instantly it brought a smile to my face.I realised probably I should have looked grim and then smiled back at him " Is my face looking ok now??".
He had even wider smile.I left the plaza and was  smiling for another good 5 minutes.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Cheta two tea

"Cheta two tea" said Rasul to the tea shop owner Vinoo.

Vinoo was surprised.Rasul is his regular customer.                                                                        Everyday he regularly comes at 11 .30 for a tea.
That is his usual routine.He usually comes alone and only orders for one tea but why did he order for 2  today.His mind was getting restless.May be young Rasul has found his love.Or probably his old friend has come to meet him.But if that was the case then wouldn't he be standing next to Rasul.I think it has to be his lady love only that's why she might be standing a little away from the Tea Stall and Lover Boy is going to take the tea glass with him and have a romantic tea break said Vinoo to himself.He became curious and wanted to go and catch him on the act and see his sheepish smile.

Normally Vinoo would not even think too much about anyone who comes to his shop. But it was different with Rasul. Vinoo had a younger brother Viju.They both  had lost their parents at very young age and naturally Vinoo being the elder was very fond of his younger brother. Tragedy struck Vinoo's life again when he lost brother in an accident 3 years back. It took a long time for him to recover from the loss of his brother. Rasul looked strikingly similar to his brother in terms of looks and even affable behavior.That made him take more interest on Rasul. For him it was a way of coping with loss of his brother. Suddenly all thoughts flashed away from his mind and brought him back to present.Given years of experience he had finished making the tea in an auto mode without even realising .

"Rasul!Tea ready.Here you go.But who is the other person " with a wink in his eyes.
"No one Chetta."replied Rasul taking the tea glasses on his hand.After Rasul started walking Vinoo could not wait.
"Jithu! Here handle the tea shop for sometime.I will be back in a jiffy" said Vinoo to his worker and started following him without his knowledge.
Filled with curiosity he tip toed and eventually stopped at a spot slightly away from where Rahul Stopped.
He saw Rasul hand over the tea glass to an old man who looked deranged. Vinoo slowly walked towards Rasul and just smiled at both of them.
After the old man had the tea, thanked and left ,  Rasul said " Chetta! I noticed him while coming to have tea. He has not had anything and looks very week.He was too proud to beg and when I insisted he said he will have a tea.That is why". Before Rasul could finish , Vinoo tapped on his shoulder as a sign of appreciation with a smile and started walking back with empty glasses in his hand. "Rasul! This 2 cups of tea is on me" he yelled without looking back.It was Rasul with a smile on his face now.

Friday, June 12, 2020

With your heart

It was a Saturday.As usual after waking up I reached out to my smartphone on the small table where it was  left for charging the whole night.

Started looking at whatsapp and FB posts and got sucked up into it without even realising it was already half an hour.

Picked up the Aavin Milk packets which had been left out at the doorstep. Made myself some tea. After being done with it decided to go for the morning walk.

I waved at the security guard"Good Morning!!" on my way out the gate.

 When I stepped out of the gate , noticed three stray dogs. There was a mother dog and along with it were 2 puppies.Mother dog was  lightish brown in color. One of  the puppies had a mix of
Brown and white patches and the other had black and white patches.The 2 puppies were jumping and playfully fighting with each other.

Look at the dogs ,I started thinking we are ok and we can take care of ourselves  but who takes care of the stray dogs during these situations.  I thought I should probably offer some biscuit or something else to eat for these stray dogs.

But  given our nature to make even simple things complex, started thinking  what if these stray dogs start multiplying will it not be a nuisance for the neighbourhood and I would have played a part in that.

All these thoughts going in my mind,a couple of youngsters(14-15 yrs old) who come in a scooty to deliver  milk daily were just coming out of the apartment after delivering the milk for some of the houses . They were just about leave but they also noticed  these stray dogs.
One of the kids got down and looked around and found a small plastic container that had been thrown there.He picked it up and placed it up in the edge of the road.Meanwhile the puppies started wagging their tails.
That kid poured milk filling up the container and the dog and the puppies started gleefully slurping the milk.
The kids were looking at the dogs with affection.
 I just looked at those kids and smiled. They smiled back at me, and then they left.

Their action just made me realise that we need to react with heart.Some of us become jaded and  actionless because of  various thoughts  in our mind.But the young kids  they just reacted with the heart.They just do it and then they left. No point thinking too much I guess.
Just react with the heart.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

தென்றல் காற்று

இன்று இரவு பால்கனியில் நின்று கொண்டிருந்தேன்.
மெலிதான காற்று என்மேல் வந்து வீசியது.
நின்றவுடன் பிரபஞ்சத்திடம் மனதார மீண்டும் வீசுமாறு வேண்டிக்கொண்டேன்.
மறுபடியும் காற்று என் மேல் வீசியது.
இப்படி மனதார வீசுமாறு கேட்கும்போதெல்லாம் மறுபடியும் மறுபடியும் காற்று வீசியபோது சிறுவயதில் மின் இணைப்பு துண்டிக்கப்படும் போது என் தாய் தந்தையர் நான் வேண்டி கேட்க மீண்டும் மீண்டும் எனக்கு விசிறியது ஞாபகம் வந்தது.